6 Definitive Questions to Know if you Should Replace your Furnace
We all know that furnaces don’t last forever. But how do you know when it’s finally time to invest in a new furnace? Luckily, we have some industry insight that will help you make an informed decision. The team at Herrmann Services in Cincinnati has put together these six simple questions that you can ask to determine if it makes more sense to limp along or replace your furnace this year:
Do You Need to Repair or Replace Your Furnace? The Strategic Six Questions to Ask:
Is your home more than 12 years old?
Most furnaces only operate efficiently for 12-15 years before they need to be replaced. If your home is more than 12 years old and you have not replaced your furnace yet, your system is nearing the end of its lifespan.
Are your heating bills getting higher every year?
Your furnace and AC are the biggest consumers of energy in your home – they account for almost half of your energy costs. As your system ages and becomes less efficient, it also can hike up your energy bills.
Have you paid for repairs more than once in the last 5 years?
If you’ve had more than one major repair to your furnace system in the past 5 years, that could be a sign of trouble. Annual maintenance doesn’t count, but if you’ve been faithful about annual maintenance, it should extend the life of your furnace a couple of years, so you can take that into account.
Does your furnace seem to run nonstop?
Older systems become less efficient over time, which means they must work harder and longer to maintain the temperature that the thermostat demands. This results in higher utility bills.
Does your home have hot and cold spots?
Older systems weren’t necessarily designed to keep every room comfortable. Two-story homes are especially difficult to keep warm and cool. The upstairs stays warm in the summer and the downstairs is always chilly in the winter. Newer systems have technology available to even out the temperature in your home.
Is your furnace warranty expired?
Most furnace warranties only cover your system for 5-10 years. Once the warranty expires, repairs can become extremely expensive. At that point, it might make more sense to be putting that money toward a new, high efficiency furnace that will save you money on energy bills rather than spending it on repairs.
If you answered yes to more than three questions, your furnace is probably nickel and diming you to death. Take a look at your heating bills, think about your comfort and consider if it’s worth what it’s costing you. If you decide you may need a new furnace, give us a call and we’ll give you a quote on a new, energy-efficient furnace.