Switch to a High Efficiency AC System Just in Time for Summer
Before the Cincinnati summer gets too hot, you should consider switching to a high efficiency air conditioner. You don’t want to get caught without a working AC system in the heat of the season. So, Herrmann Services has a few things you should know about high efficiency air conditioning systems before you decide.
Energy Costs Dwindle
Since your air conditioner is the biggest consumer of energy in your home, it means it is probably one of most expensive pieces of equipment in your home when it comes to energy bills. Newer, high efficiency systems can help lower your energy costs, though. They come in a variety of options and prices. We suggest choosing one with a high Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating, or SEER. A rating of 12 or greater is usually sufficient to see more savings.
If you think your air conditioner isn’t working as efficiently as it could be, call the experts at Herrmann Services. We specialize in air conditioning repair in Loveland, OH, and all over the greater Cincinnati area.
Less Maintenance Required
High efficiency air conditioners also have a track record for requiring less maintenance and repairs, which also saves you money down the road. Since they are more efficient at running, high efficiency systems tend to take on less stress, giving them a longer operating life, as well.
Be More Comfortable in Your Home
The more efficient your system is, the better it will be at keeping your home comfortable. High efficiency AC systems allow for more consistent airflow and fewer temperature swings. This means you’ll be comfortable in your home, no matter what room you are in.
To keep your air conditioning in tip-top shape this season, call the experts at Herrmann Services at 513-206-8537. Our talented team can take care of your air conditioning repair in Kenwood, OH, and many of our other service areas.